Reading Highlights 1

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    產品內容 :
      Read Highlights(1)(書+MP3)



    Unit 1 What’s Hot and What’s Not
    Fun Lying Down

    Unit 2 Who’s Who
    Taiwan Goes Gaga over Gaga

    Unit 3 Pack Your Bag
    Kaohsiung: More Than You Imagined

    Unit 4 Improving the World
    Soaring to New Heights

    Unit 5 Smart for Art
    Taipei Design Dazzles World

    Unit 6 Pack Your Bag
    Going Abroad for a Good Cause

    Unit 7 Who’s Who
    Yani Tseng: Taiwan’s Great Golf Star

    Unit 8 Going Beyond Borders
    A Zone of Your Own

    Unit 9 The Magic of Discovery
    The Black Box of Cars

    Unit 10 Staying Fit and Healthy
    What Skin Problems Say About You

    Unit 11 Smart for Art
    Seediq Bale: A True Taiwanese Epic

    Unit 12 Improving the World
    The Board Game You’ll Never Get Bored of

    Unit 13 Pack Your Bag
    Independent Chinese Travelers Arrive in Taiwan

    Unit 14 Going Beyond Borders
    Sunshine, Sea, and Music

    Unit 15 The Magic of Discovery
    Siri-ously Amazing

    Unit 16 Who’s Who
    Creating Art with a Bang

    Unit 17 Surfing the Net
    Google’s Growing Empire

    Unit 18 It’s Never Too Late to Learn
    Farewell to High School

    Unit 19 Who’s Who
    Transforming Technology and the World

    Unit 20 Why Did They Do That?
    A Walk in the Night

    Unit 21 Going Beyond Borders
    Panic in the Streets

    Unit 22 Smart for Art
    The Most Famous Meal

    Unit 23 Improving the World
    More Than a Pretty Picture

    Unit 24 Staying Fit and Healthy
    Seeing in Black and White

    Unit 25 Pack Your Bag
    The Eighth Continent

    Unit 26 Going Beyond Borders
    Confused About Kissing

    Unit 27 Improving the World
    Rubik’s Remarkable Cube

    Unit 28 Smart for Art
    Get a Load of Heavy Metal

    Unit 29 What’s Hot and What’s Not
    All About Pants

    Unit 30 The Magic of Discovery
    The Incredible Shrinking Brain

    Unit 31 It’s Never Too Late to Learn
    Trading Places

    Unit 32 Why Did They Do That?
    Aw … Isn’t That Cute!

    Unit 33 What’s Hot and What’s Not
    Hitting the Streets

    Unit 34 Going Beyond Borders
    Christmas Down Under

    Unit 35 Bon Appetit
    The Marvelous Macaroon

    Unit 36 Who’s Who
    The Thrilling Story of the King of Pop

    Unit 37 Driving Force Behind the World
    The Power of Packaging

    Unit 38 On the Job
    Send in the Clowns

    Unit 39 It’s Never Too Late to Learn
    The Truth Behind Testing

    Unit 40 Going Beyond Borders
    A Terrifying Time of Year

    Unit 41 Pack Your Bag
    A Grand Landmark

    Unit 42 What’s Hot and What’s Not
    Getting Discounts with Group Shopping

    Unit 43 Smart for Art
    The First and Funniest Comic Strip

    Unit 44 Who Did It?
    The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

    Unit 45 It’s Never Too Late to Learn
    Adding Work to Schoolwork

    Unit 46 Going Beyond Borders
    Going Nuts at Naadam

    Unit 47 Bon Appetit
    From Japan to the World

    Unit 48 The Magic of Discovery
    Technology You Can Feel

    Unit 49 It’s Never Too Late to Learn
    Lock Up Your Stuff

    Unit 50 Driving Force Behind the World
    Using Smell to Sell

    Unit 51 On the Job
    To Serve and Protect … Your Pet

    Unit 52 Who’s Who
    Van Gogh: A Mix of Genius and Madness

    Unit 53 Improving the World
    Wheel in the Sky

    Unit 54 Smart for Art
    Urban Art at Its Finest

    Unit 55 Pack Your Bag
    Comfortable and Cheap: Bargain Hotels

    Unit 56 Going Beyond Borders
    A Few Tips on Tipping

    Unit 57 Bon Appetit
    Breaking Bread Through the Ages

    Unit 58 Who Did It?
    Aliens Have Landed … or Have They?

    Unit 59 Smart for Art
    New Art for a New World

    Unit 60 Who’s Who
    Walking for What You Believe

    Unit 61 Circle of Life
    Valuable Vanilla

    Unit 62 Surfing the Net
    Fun on Facebook

    Unit 63 Social Challenges
    Plastic Peril

    Unit 64 Social Challenges
    Shooting and Looting in London

    Unit 65 Why Did They Do That?
    Why Men Are Men and Women Are Women

    Unit 66 Staying Fit and Healthy
    The Ups and Downs of Bipolar Disorder

    Unit 67 Tools of Communication
    Keeping Culture Alive

    Unit 68 The Magic of Discovery
    Fat or Fit?

    Unit 69 Circle of Life Island Nations at Risk
    Unit 70 Who’s Who

    From Museum to the Streets
    Unit 71 Tools of Communication

    Cracking Morse Code
    Unit 72 Staying Fit and Healthy

    Sickness That’s Skin Deep


    Tips for Top Reading

      In learning English, reading is an essential skill for acquiring new vocabulary and reinforcing your grammar; it is doubly important if you have limited opportunities to learn by listening. Although reading may seem very difficult at first, the task becomes easier with these simple strategies.

      Not everything in a text may be useful to you right away. When you determine what’s important, you identify the main themes of the text and focus on them, without getting distracted by irrelevant information.

      As you read, you work not only with the text, but also everything you already know about the topic. Use prior knowledge about the world, as well as your previous experiences, to help you make sense of what you’re reading.

      Once you understand the text, you can also make inferences, or use the new information and background information to draw conclusions and interpret facts.

      It’s also important to ask questions before, during, and after reading, as they help you see the text from several angles and understand it clearly. They are not a sign of trouble, but a tool for understanding.

      Another helpful tool is mental images. In your mind, use all five senses to experience the text and enhance not only your understanding, but also your enjoyment.

      One of the first things to do when you read is understand the structure of the text; that’s what you do when you skim, or read very quickly, skipping many words. Once you have located the most important points, you can use them to answer specific questions later.

      As you look at each new paragraph, you should try to find the topic sentence, because it contains the main idea. If it isn’t what you need now, you can save the supporting information for later.

      When you see an unfamiliar word, it’s tempting to slow down or even stop reading. However, it’s often possible to learn vocabulary in context, or use other words in the same sentence or nearby sentences to guess the meaning quickly. This rough understanding can be enough to understand the text.

      Finally, you may use your knowledge of the text’s structure, as well as markers such as topic sentences and key words to scan, or quickly find detailed answers to specific questions.

      The purpose of many of these skills is to help you read more quickly, and if your goal is speed, you should also time yourself. How much time do you need to understand a paragraph or a page? Push yourself to read faster, and with practice, your speed will improve.

      These ten strategies take some time to learn, but once you’ve mastered them, you will find reading much easier, and maybe even more fun!

      sb.  somebody
      sth.  something
      swh.  somewhere
      sing.  singular
      pl.  plural
      v.  verb
      n.  noun
      adj.  adjective
      adv.  adverb
      conj.  conjunction
      prep. preposition
      aux.  auxiliary
      =  synonym



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